Best Child Orthodontics In Hyderabad

Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio is recognized as a leading destination for the best child orthodontic care. With a team of experienced orthodontists and a child-friendly approach, we are committed to providing top-notch care for your child’s dental needs.

Child Orthodontics In Hyderabad
Years of Experience

What Is Child Orthodontics?

Children’s dental and facial anomalies are the subject of the specialized field of dentistry known as child orthodontics, commonly referred to as pediatric orthodontics. In this field, children and teenagers with misaligned teeth and jaws are the main patients. The major objective of child orthodontics is to guarantee that a child’s teeth and jaws develop normally, supporting both oral health and an aesthetically pleasant look.

Addressing problems with malocclusions, which are tooth misalignments when the jaws come together, is one of the main reasons children seek orthodontic treatment. Dental issues brought on by malocclusions include issues with chewing, speaking, and maintaining good oral hygiene. Untreated malocclusions can also affect children’s self-esteem because of how their teeth look.

In addition to ensuring a child’s overall oral health, child orthodontics aims to improve the appearance of their smile. Teeth that are straighter are simpler to keep clean, which lowers the risk of gum disease and cavities. Jaw pain and discomfort can be avoided by having properly aligned jaws, which also aid in proper biting and chewing.

What Is The Procedure Of Child Orthodontics?

Initial Consultation:

An initial consultation marks the start of the adventure. At least by the age of 7, we recommend parents bring their child in for an orthodontic examination. We can identify any possible orthodontic problems and choose the best course of action thanks to this early evaluation.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Our skilled orthodontists provide a comprehensive assessment of your child's oral health during the initial consultation. This entails examining their dental and facial growth, getting X-rays and impressions, and talking about any worries or problems.

Treatment Planning

Our orthodontists design a personalized treatment plan based on the evaluation. This plan lists the detected orthodontic problems, the suggested course of action, and the anticipated length of the treatment.

Choosing the Right Appliance

Our staff outlines the various accessible forms of treatment, such as conventional metal braces, ceramic braces, and Invisalign invisible aligners. The appliance selected depends on the demands, age, and preferences of the child.

Treatment Initiation

The orthodontic treatment starts after the treatment plan is decided upon. With conventional braces, wires are inserted into brackets that are affixed to the teeth in order to gradually shift the teeth into their ideal positions. With Invisalign, the youngster is given a set of transparent aligners that are changed out every few weeks to progressively move the teeth.

Regular Check-ups

Your child will need to go to routine check-up appointments at Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio during the course of the therapy. These sessions are essential for making adjustments, assessing progress, and confirming that the course of treatment is being followed. Our team pays close attention to your child's progress, addressing any concerns or issues promptly.

Child Orthodontics In Hyderabad

Child-Friendly Environment
Modern Technology
Customized Treatment Plans
Positive Results
Convenience and Accessibility
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We at Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio are committed to offering affordable and practical dental treatment, therefore we are pleased to provide you the chance to “Get A Free Online Consultation” with our esteemed founder, Dr. Shashi. 

Our free online consultation service enables you to communicate with Dr. Shashi from the convenience of your home, whether you have inquiries about your oral health, are looking for a second opinion, or require advice on a particular dental issue.

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Cost Details Of Child Orthodontics In Hyderabad

Available Workplaces

Dr. Shashi Dental Studio


Adarsh Nagar, Kukatpally, Kokapet.

Phone Number

+91 9381239001
Dr Shahsi
Years of Experience

Who is Dr. Shashi?

“Dr. Shashi: Creating Kid-Friendly Smiles with Invisalign Magic!”

Dr. Shashi, a distinguished pediatric dental surgeon based in Hyderabad, is celebrated for his expertise in addressing dental concerns specific to children. With a profound dedication to pediatric dentistry, he has cultivated a reputation for providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care tailored to the unique needs of young patients. Dr. Shashi goes the extra mile to ensure his young patients feel at ease during treatment, employing advanced techniques such as nitrous oxide sedation, commonly known as SLEEP DENTISTRY. This specialized approach sets him apart, as very few dentists in Hyderabad possess the equipment and expertise for this painless and comfortable treatment method.

Known for his gentle and empathetic approach, Dr. Shashi has garnered extensive experience and a deep understanding of child psychology. This enables him to create a comforting and reassuring environment, ensuring that children undergoing dental treatments have a positive and enjoyable experience. His focus on preventive measures and education empowers both children and parents to prioritize oral health, fostering a foundation for a beautiful smile and optimal dental well-being in the future. Parents trust Dr. Shashi, knowing their children are under the care of a pediatric dental surgeon who prioritizes safety, effectiveness, and a compassionate approach, making him a beloved figure in the realm of pediatric dentistry in Hyderabad.

Child Orthodontics In Hyderabad

About Child Orthodontics In Hyderabad

At Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio, we recognize the value of early intervention when it comes to children’s orthodontic problems. Our group of skilled orthodontists is committed to giving young children individualized treatment so they can have a beautiful, healthy smile.

Our dedication to using the most recent orthodontic methods and tools is one of the main things that distinguishes us from the competition. We provide a variety of orthodontic treatment choices, such as traditional braces, transparent aligners, and more, and we customize our methods to meet the unique requirements and preferences of each child. The best possible comfort and effectiveness of the treatment are guaranteed by this flexibility.

Early orthodontic treatment may fix problems including overbites, underbites, and more, which, if addressed, can cause more serious complications as adults. Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio is committed to enhancing your child’s oral health and general quality of life With the help of the best pediatric orthodontic care available in Hyderabad.

Advantages Of Child Orthodontics

Improved Aesthetics

By realigning misaligned teeth and misaligned jaws, child orthodontics can significantly enhance a child's smile. Along with improving their physical appearance, this also raises their confidence and sense of self. Children frequently focus on their smiles, so improving them can have a good effect on their social interactions and make them feel more at ease and accepted by their peers.

Improved Oral Health

Straighter teeth are simpler to keep clean. By creating crevices that are challenging to clean with a toothbrush and floss, misaligned teeth can raise the risk of gum disease and cavities. By ensuring that children's teeth are properly aligned, child orthodontics helps to lower the likelihood of dental issues by making it simpler for kids to practice good oral hygiene.

Future Problem Prevention

Child orthodontics, particularly Phase I or interceptive treatment, can stop more serious dental and orthodontic problems from arising in the future. Orthodontists can reduce the need for invasive procedures like surgery or extractions in the future by addressing issues early and directing the growth of the jaws and teeth.

Speech Improvement

Children who have their teeth or jaws misaligned may have trouble speaking. These problems can be resolved by using child orthodontics to properly align the jaws and teeth. Children may benefit from enhanced speech clarity and more self-assurance in their capacity for successful communication as a result.

Enhanced Biting and Chewing

Children with misaligned teeth may find it difficult to adequately bite and chew food. Their dietary intake and general health may be affected by this. Orthodontics for children can help them chew food more comfortably, which not only promotes better nutrition but also improves their general well-being.

Reducing Jaw Pain and Discomfort

Jaw pain and discomfort can be caused by malocclusions, such as overbites or underbites. These problems can be resolved with child orthodontics, reducing pain and raising the child's level of comfort. This can greatly improve their comfort and quality of life.

Why Choose Us

Specialized Expertise

At Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio, our orthodontic staff is very skilled in treating children. With regard to meeting the special requirements of kids and teenagers, we have substantial training and experience.

By regularly updating our knowledge and abilities, we remain at the cutting edge of the industry. This dedication guarantees that your child will receive the most efficient orthodontic therapy possible.

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Patient-Centered Care

We prioritize providing care that is patient-centered. Our top objectives are the comfort, safety, and specific requirements of your child.

We regard each child as an individual and use a customized approach. Our orthodontists carefully evaluate your child's orthodontic requirements to make sure the treatment plan is suited to their unique needs and objectives.

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Advanced Technology

To offer the best service possible, Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio makes investments in cutting-edge orthodontic equipment. Our cutting-edge tools help us make a precise diagnosis and guarantee that we provide the most cutting-edge treatment alternatives.

Because of our dedication to technology, your child will benefit from the most recent developments in orthodontics.

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Comprehensive Services

Recognizing that every kid is unique, we provide a variety of therapy alternatives to meet their needs and preferences. We have a solution whether your child feels more at ease wearing traditional braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign aligners.

Together with you and your child, our orthodontists will choose the best course of action for achieving the desired results.

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Friendly and Supportive Environment

We recognize that children may find going to the orthodontist daunting. Our office is set up to create a friendly environment where your child can feel relaxed and at peace.

Throughout their orthodontic journey, our kind and compassionate staff will assist and encourage them because they have expertise working with kids.

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Excellent Results

Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio is committed to delivering the highest quality of orthodontic care for your child. We have a proven track record of providing successful orthodontic care.

We take great delight in assisting kids to achieve long-lasting, gorgeous, healthy smiles. Our work and the smiles of our young patients reflect our commitment to delivering superior results.


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Frequently Ask Questions

What is child orthodontics, and when should my child see an orthodontist?

Child orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and treating dental and facial irregularities in children and teenagers. Your child should see an orthodontist around the age of 7 for an initial evaluation. Early assessments help identify any potential orthodontic issues and allow for timely intervention if needed.

What are the common orthodontic issues that affect children?

Common orthodontic issues in children include misaligned teeth, overbites, underbites, crowding, and spacing issues. Additionally, issues related to jaw development, such as a narrow palate, can also be addressed with child orthodontics.

What are the treatment options for child orthodontics?

Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio offers a range of treatment options, including traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, and Invisalign clear aligners. The choice of treatment depends on the child’s specific needs, age, and personal preferences.

Can child orthodontics prevent the need for braces in the future?

Yes, early intervention through Phase I or interceptive orthodontics can guide the growth of the jaws and teeth, potentially reducing the severity of orthodontic issues in the future. In some cases, early intervention can prevent the need for braces or other extensive treatments.

Are there any age restrictions for child orthodontics?

Child orthodontics can benefit children and teenagers. While it’s common for orthodontic treatment to begin in the teenage years, early assessments (around age 7) can help address issues before they become more complex, making it suitable for younger children as well.

What is the best way to care for braces or aligners during treatment?

Our orthodontists will provide detailed instructions on how to care for braces or aligners. This includes maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding certain foods that could damage braces, and attending regular check-up appointments for adjustments and progress monitoring.

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