Flap Surgery in Hyderabad

Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio is a leading name in advanced dental care, offering everything from implants to cosmetic dentistry treatments in Hyderabad.

Are your discolored gums holding back a wide smile? Your smile can look even more brilliant by removing the stains on your gums. Take advantage of advanced gum depigmentation treatment with Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio. We are the leading & most affordable dental clinic in Hyderabad.

What is Flap Surgery?

Flap surgery involves gently lifting a portion of your gum tissue to provide clear visibility and direct access to the bone and root surface.

When conventional non-surgical treatments like scaling and root planing prove insufficient in addressing gum disease, flap surgery becomes a vital solution to rejuvenate your oral health. Neglecting gum disease can result in severe damage to the tooth-supporting structures and ultimately lead to tooth loss. Periodontists perform flap procedures to halt the advancement of gum disease.

Flap Surgery in Hyderabad

Where are Flap Surgery Recommended?

Flap surgery is typically recommended in cases of advanced gum disease (periodontitis) when non-surgical treatments like scaling and root planing are insufficient to address the condition. It is primarily indicated in situations where:

Deep Periodontal Pockets

When there are deep pockets or gaps between the gums and teeth that cannot be effectively cleaned with regular dental hygiene practices.

Bone and Root Surface Access

To gain direct access to the tooth’s root surfaces and the underlying bone for thorough cleaning and treatment.

Treatment of Periodontal Abscesses

Flap surgery may be used to address periodontal abscesses, which are localized infections within the gum pockets.

Gum and Bone Regeneration

It may also be recommended for cases where regenerating lost gum and bone tissue is necessary to restore proper gum attachment and tooth support.

Ideal Candidates for Flap Surgery

Ideal candidates for flap surgery are those with advanced gum disease (periodontitis) characterized by deep gum pockets, bone and root surface issues, localized infections, loss of supporting structures, and a lack of improvement with non-surgical treatments. These individuals should be in good overall health and committed to preserving their natural teeth. The decision for flap surgery is made on an individual basis after an assessment by a dental professional.

Procedure for Flap Surgery at Dr, Shashi’s Dental Studio

The procedure’s objectives encompass addressing gum disease and mitigating associated damage through:

Restoring or regenerating impaired bones and tissues

Safeguarding against tooth loss

Eradicating bacteria and infections

A flap surgery procedure is generally suggested for patients dealing with moderate to severe gum disease that has proven unresponsive to non-surgical treatments like scaling and root planing. Individuals with advanced periodontitis can find relief through flap surgery.

At Dr, Shashi’s Dental Studio during a consultation with our periodontist, we assess your situation by:

Identifying signs of periodontal disease

Measuring the depths of gum pockets around your teeth

If you have mild to moderate periodontal disease, non-surgical treatments may be adequate.

Cases of advanced gum disease are more likely to necessitate a flap surgery procedure.

To achieve this, a range of techniques can be employed, such as regenerative methods involving bone grafting, PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin), and GTR (Guided Tissue Regeneration) using barrier membranes. These methods aid in the restoration of gums to their natural state and functionality, fostering oral health and ensuring the stable support of teeth.

Flap surgery is typically done under local anesthesia.

Finally, the incision is closed and the procedure is completed.

The outer gum tissue is gently folded back to give access to the roots and the supporting structures and bone tissue.

This allows diseased tissue to be removed from inside the pocket, and provides access to the teeth’s root surfaces for a thorough cleaning, which helps to eliminate harmful plaque and tartar, if needed, the area may also be treated with antibiotics or other medications.

Bone defects can be repaired with grafting material, and proper regeneration can be encouraged by physical (barrier membranes) and PRF methods.

After anesthesia has taken effect, a flap-like incision is made in the gum tissue to separate the gums from the teeth.

The time it takes to complete the procedure depends on the extend of the damage and how much of gum areas are affected.

Anesthesia will prevent pain during surgery. Pain and discomfort after the procedure can be managed with medications.

Pre-question to take After Surgery

Recovery from a flap surgery procedure typically takes just a few days, but it’s crucial to diligently follow the instructions provided by your periodontist. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these instructions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your periodontist for guidance and support.

Here are some general recommendations to facilitate a speedy recovery:

Take pain medication as prescribed by your periodontist.

After 24 hours, rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and ease discomfort.

Replace gauze pads before they become saturated with blood.

Rest and avoid strenuous physical activity to minimize the risk of increased bleeding.

Stick to soft foods initially, gradually reintroducing solid foods as the surgical area heals.

Continue to brush your teeth and tongue carefully.

Apply an ice or cold pack to the outside of your mouth to alleviate pain and swelling.

Refrain from using sucking motions, such as drinking through a straw.

Avoid smoking.

For the first ten days after surgery, do not brush or floss in the graft site. Afterward, gently brush with a soft toothbrush for an additional two to four days before returning to your regular brushing routine.

A few days following the procedure, your periodontist will remove the stitches. Flap surgery can effectively save teeth affected by gum disease. 

Once you have healed from the surgery, your gums should regain a healthy, pink appearance. 

Maintaining good oral hygiene, including brushing at least twice and flossing at least once a day, will help prevent the recurrence of gum disease. 

Your periodontist will monitor your gum health during your six-month cleaning and examination appointments, providing you with guidance on the most effective methods for preserving your periodontal health at home.

What is the recovery time for Flap Surgery?

The recovery time for flap surgery varies, but generally:

Immediate post-surgery discomfort, swelling, and minor bleeding.

Stitches are removed around 7-10 days.

Full recovery takes several weeks to months.

Long-term oral hygiene and follow-up care are essential for success.

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We at Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio believe that people who are informed make the greatest choices for their oral health. To provide you with the information and direction you need to take the next steps toward a brighter, healthier smile, we offer a free online consultation with Dr. Shashi Gum Depigmentation, who is the founder of Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio.

Contact us right away to book an appointment for your Free Online Consultation with Dr. Shashi. We look forward to helping you on your path to improved dental health and restored self-confidence.

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Details of Flap Surgery in Hyderabad

Available Workplaces

Dr. Shashi Dental Studio


Adarsh Nagar, Kukatpally, Kokapet.

Phone Number

+91 9381239001


Why Choose Us for Flap Surgery in Hyderabad

All ON Four Dental Implants In Hyderabad

Expert Specialists

Our team consists of highly skilled periodontists, specializing in a wide range of periodontal procedures, including flap surgery. Their wealth of experience ensures that you receive the highest quality care from seasoned professionals.

Gum Recontouring in Hyderabad

Cutting-Edge Facilities

We are proud to offer state-of-the-art dental facilities equipped with the latest technology and advanced equipment. Our commitment to innovation guarantees precision and effectiveness in every procedure, ultimately benefiting your overall oral health.

Enamel Tooth Recontouring in Hyderabad

Tailored Treatment

Recognizing the individuality of each patient, our approach is centered around your unique needs. We personalize our treatments to address your specific requirements, placing your oral health and comfort as our top priorities.

Splinting Treatment in Hyderabad

Holistic Care

Our dedication extends well beyond the surgical procedure. We provide comprehensive pre-operative consultations and detailed post-operative support. Our team will guide you through the entire recovery process, ensuring a seamless and successful outcome.

Guided Tissue Regeneration in Hyderabad​

Proven Excellence

Our outstanding track record underscores our expertise and commitment to excellence. With a history of successful flap surgeries and contented patients, you can have full confidence in our ability to deliver exceptional results. We prioritize your oral health and satisfaction throughout your treatment journey.

Bone Grafts For Dental Implants In Hyderabad

Patient-Centered Philosophy

At our clinic, you are not just a patient but a valued individual. We prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout your entire treatment journey. From the moment you step into our clinic to your full recovery, our unwavering dedication is to provide you with the finest care available.

Dr Shahsi
Years of Experience

Who is Dr. Shashi?

“Dr. Shashi: Creating Kid-Friendly Smiles with Invisalign Magic!”

Dr. Shashi, a distinguished pediatric dental surgeon based in Hyderabad, is celebrated for his expertise in addressing dental concerns specific to children. With a profound dedication to pediatric dentistry, he has cultivated a reputation for providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care tailored to the unique needs of young patients. Dr. Shashi goes the extra mile to ensure his young patients feel at ease during treatment, employing advanced techniques such as nitrous oxide sedation, commonly known as SLEEP DENTISTRY. This specialized approach sets him apart, as very few dentists in Hyderabad possess the equipment and expertise for this painless and comfortable treatment method.

Known for his gentle and empathetic approach, Dr. Shashi has garnered extensive experience and a deep understanding of child psychology. This enables him to create a comforting and reassuring environment, ensuring that children undergoing dental treatments have a positive and enjoyable experience. His focus on preventive measures and education empowers both children and parents to prioritize oral health, fostering a foundation for a beautiful smile and optimal dental well-being in the future. Parents trust Dr. Shashi, knowing their children are under the care of a pediatric dental surgeon who prioritizes safety, effectiveness, and a compassionate approach, making him a beloved figure in the realm of pediatric dentistry in Hyderabad.

Advantages of Flap Surgery

Effective treatment for advanced gum disease.

Provides deep cleaning of gum pockets and root surfaces.

Supports gum and bone regeneration.

Prevents tooth loss by preserving supporting structures.

Improves gum health and overall oral hygiene.

Offers cosmetic benefits by enhancing the smile.

Facilitates long-term maintenance of periodontal health.

Preserves natural teeth.

Involves minimal discomfort during and after the procedure.

Proven track record of success in treating advanced gum disease and maintaining oral health.


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Frequently Ask Questions

What postoperative precautions should be observed following flap surgery?

Refrain from consuming any food until the effects of the anesthesia have subsided to prevent inadvertent self-inflicted injuries to your lips, cheeks, or tongue. Expect some discomfort as the anesthesia wears off, and take your non-aspirin pain medication, whether it’s prescribed or over-the-counter, as directed.

What dietary options are suitable after undergoing flap surgery?

Opt for semi-solid foods that you can comfortably consume. Consider items such as eggs, custard, yogurt, pasta, steamed vegetables, casseroles, and cooked cereals during the initial days after your surgery. Avoid spicy, salty, acidic, very hot, or very cold foods and liquids.

Is flap surgery associated with significant risks?

For most medically fit individuals, flap surgery, a complex major procedure, is generally safe with a low rate of complications. However, particular caution is exercised in patients with certain conditions, such as those who are nutritionally compromised and require flap surgery.

What is the typical healing time for flaps after surgery?

Following surgery, anticipate making adjustments to your daily routine regarding showering and bathing for a period of 2-3 weeks. Also, avoid engaging in strenuous activities for approximately 3-4 weeks to prevent stretching or injury to the graft site.

Is it normal to experience swelling after flap surgery?

Following flap surgery, you may encounter soreness, pain, and swelling once the effects of the anesthesia wear off. Fortunately, your dentist will prescribe pain relievers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medication to effectively manage these symptoms, promoting quicker healing and reducing the risk of infection.

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