Best Permanent Fixed Teeth in Hyderabad

The lives of individuals are improving due to dental implants. With dental implants, people are regaining their normal self-confidence and feeling good about themselves. Dental implants are titanium screws or other surgical components implanted into your jawbone. 

These implants are used to replace missing teeth and offer a solid basis for dental prosthetics. Dental implants are tooth replacements that replicate your original teeth in both appearance and functionality. Your natural facial outline and form are preserved during this operation.

However, the osseointegration process for dental implants can take as long as three months and involve as many as two sittings. However, we at Dr. Shashi’s Dental studio use the branded KOS/BCS/BOI implants, which reduces the waiting time to 3-6 months. So, in just three days, we can restore your dental implants.

Permanent Fixed Teeth in Hyderabad
Years of Experience

Looking For The Best Permanent Fixed Teeth in Hyderabad

Are you seeking an effective way to fix your smile in case you’re tired of living with missing teeth? Look no further than Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio in Hyderabad. We specialize in offering the best permanent fixed teeth solutions that will not only improve your overall dental health but also enhance your appearance.

Our goal is to give you a smile that looks completely natural and complements your existing teeth. Your replacement teeth will feel and look exactly like your own since our qualified specialists pay close attention to every little detail.

Put an end to how missing teeth are affecting your self-confidence and dental health. To find out more about our permanent fixed tooth solutions, get in touch with Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio in Hyderabad right away. Make the first move towards a stunning and healthy smile!

What Are Permanent Fixed Teeth In Three Days?

The implants are secured with a full set of permanent teeth. A complete set consists of 12 to 14 teeth for each arch. In our cutting-edge lab facilities, it takes three days to create polished, high-quality permanent teeth. The permanent teeth have been fixed three days later.

This improvised method is more trustworthy than conventional methods. Since the technique is based on instantaneous loading implants and basal implants, it is also simple to handle cases that are challenging or even extremely complex. With the help of this cutting-edge technology, we have successfully treated patients who were diabetic, smokers, and had serious gum disease. Bone-building techniques are not at all required for the implementation of this approach.

Laser Gum Contouring Treatment in Hyderabad

How To Choose The Right Permanent Fixed Teeth In Hyderabad, India?

Though losing a tooth might be difficult, there are dependable ways to restore your smile because of the latest developments in dentistry. Making the correct decision is crucial if you’re looking for permanent fixed teeth in Hyderabad, India, to get the finest outcomes. The following information will help you select the best permanent fixed teeth in Hyderabad:

Check Experience and Qualification

Start by researching and selecting a reputable dental professional or clinic in Hyderabad. Make sure the dental clinic's dentists are qualified and licensed. Look for providers who have extensive experience and a proven track record in performing permanent fixed teeth procedures. Verify their experience doing operations to restore teeth permanently. 

Guided Tissue Regeneration in Hyderabad​

Review Patient Testimonials

The reputation of the clinic can be evaluated very well by reading patient testimonials and reviews. Look for sincere reviews from previous patients who have experienced comparable procedures. Positive reviews reveal a clinic's dedication to patient pleasure and effective results.

Bone Grafts For Dental Implants In Hyderabad

Consultation and Evaluation

Make an appointment with the selected dental clinic. You will have the chance to talk about your particular dental requirements during this session. For your specific scenario, a trustworthy clinic will perform a thorough evaluation that may include X-rays and scans to identify the best permanent fixed tooth option. This individualized approach guarantees that your treatment plan is adapted to your specific needs.

Gum Recontouring in Hyderabad

Technology and Equipment

Ask about the dental tools and technology that are employed in the dental clinic. Procedures that are more accurate and comfortable can benefit from modern equipment. Inquire about the clinic's dedication to keeping up with the most recent developments in dental technology. For instance, Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio makes investments in cutting-edge machinery to provide effective and exact treatments.

Permanent Fixed Teeth in Hyderabad

Highly skilled and experienced dental professionals.
Customized treatment plans.
Modern dental technology and equipment.
Affordable price.
Positive testimonials
Follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.
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Get Free Online Consultation

Have questions or concerns about getting permanent fixed teeth? Make an appointment for a free online consultation with Dr. Shashi, the founder of Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio, and start along the path to a more secure, attractive smile.

Make an appointment with us right away to get started on your journey to a better, more confident future.

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Cost Details of Permanent Fixed Teeth in Hyderabad

Available Workplaces

Dr. Shashi Dental Studio


Adarsh Nagar, Kukatpally, Kokapet.

Phone Number

+91 9381239001
Dr Shahsi
Years of Experience

Who is Dr. Shashi?

“Dr. Shashi: Creating Kid-Friendly Smiles with Invisalign Magic!”

Dr. Shashi, a distinguished pediatric dental surgeon based in Hyderabad, is celebrated for his expertise in addressing dental concerns specific to children. With a profound dedication to pediatric dentistry, he has cultivated a reputation for providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care tailored to the unique needs of young patients. Dr. Shashi goes the extra mile to ensure his young patients feel at ease during treatment, employing advanced techniques such as nitrous oxide sedation, commonly known as SLEEP DENTISTRY. This specialized approach sets him apart, as very few dentists in Hyderabad possess the equipment and expertise for this painless and comfortable treatment method.

Known for his gentle and empathetic approach, Dr. Shashi has garnered extensive experience and a deep understanding of child psychology. This enables him to create a comforting and reassuring environment, ensuring that children undergoing dental treatments have a positive and enjoyable experience. His focus on preventive measures and education empowers both children and parents to prioritize oral health, fostering a foundation for a beautiful smile and optimal dental well-being in the future. Parents trust Dr. Shashi, knowing their children are under the care of a pediatric dental surgeon who prioritizes safety, effectiveness, and a compassionate approach, making him a beloved figure in the realm of pediatric dentistry in Hyderabad.

Laser Gum Contouring Treatment in Hyderabad

About Permanent Fixed Teeth in Hyderabad

A dental implant replaces a missing tooth’s form and function by creating a duplicate of the tooth’s root. When a patient has one or more missing teeth, a surgical-grade titanium screw is inserted into the patient’s bone to act as an anchor for the remaining teeth. This dental implant has a sleeve that a connector slides over before being screwed or cemented onto.

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, these have truly revolutionized it. Dental implants from the Dr Shashi’s Dental Studio in Hyderabad can enhance appearance, restore function, and improve health.

In just three days after inserting the implants in your jawbone, Dr Shashi’s Dentsl Studio in Hyderabad fixes new permanent ceramic teeth using cutting-edge technology.

Your teeth will be fixed in 3 days by our team of experts using standard surgery methods and our on-site lab services. With this technique, we may completely restore the appearance and function of the entire mouth while also replacing one or more teeth.

Advantages of Permanent Fixed Teeth

Eat your favorite foods

Eating your favorite foods should be a source of joy and satisfaction. Taste and enjoy your favorite dishes without fear. With dental implants, you can eat almost anything you want, bite normally, and, unlike with removable dentures, which can be uncomfortable, enjoy the full flavor of your food.

Enhanced chewing and improved speech

Your ability to eat and speak may be improved by using Permanent Fixed Teeth. Your confidence in public speaking will return after getting new teeth, and you'll be able to chew food that was previously challenging or impossible due to tooth loss. After receiving permanent false teeth, the jaw's increased strength may also lead to improved speaking.

The natural appearance and feel

A dental implant serves as the tooth's artificial root. Dentists can attach a crown to the top of an implant to help it resemble a natural tooth in appearance and feel. This crown may be more comfortable than other options, including dentures. In 2016, Sweden StudyTrusted Source researchers discovered that 94% of 400 participants who responded to a mail-based survey indicated they were satisfied enough with the implant's aesthetics.

Very convenient and comfortable

Traditional dentures cannot compare to the comfort and convenience of permanent dentures. They are stable for the majority of their existence and are not bothered while eating. When you smile or talk your false teeth won't move out of place, so there's no need to worry or feel uncomfortable about it. Another benefit is that teeth may be cleaned without having to remove them

Low maintenance

Implants can be cared for the same way as your natural teeth. Therefore, maintenance is equivalent to that of a natural tooth. Every day, floss and brush the implant. The gums and adjacent teeth are still at risk of bacterial infection even if these artificial teeth are not prone to tooth decay. Keep the implant clean to maintain the health of the teeth and gums surrounding it and to avoid any jawbone infections.

Improved Quality of Life

The stability, aesthetics, and functionality of permanent fixed teeth can significantly enhance your quality of life. You can smile with confidence, engage in social activities, and enjoy your favorite foods without the self-consciousness and discomfort that can come with missing or removable teeth. This improved quality of life has a positive impact on your overall well-being.
Why chose us?

Why choose Permanent Fixed Teeth in Hyderabad

Our dental specialists have more than 15 years of experience and are extremely proficient.

Our unique strategies are based on thorough examinations, which also include evaluations of oral health and goals.

A wide variety of treatments for fixed, permanent teeth are available at our clinic including Dental bridges, dental implants, etc.

Flexible financing options are available to accommodate your budget.

They specialize in permanent fixed teeth procedures, ensuring high-quality care.

The stability and aesthetics of permanent fixed teeth enhance your quality of life by boosting your confidence and overall well-being.

Your restored teeth will feel and look natural because of our careful attention to detail.

We have regularly performed effective permanent fixed dental operations over the years.

Why Choose Us

All ON Four Dental Implants In Hyderabad

Doctor Experience

At Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio, we are proud of our team of highly qualified and experienced dentists. The art of permanent fixed dental operations is something that our dentists have worked on for years. With a lot of experience and a history of positive results, our expertise guarantees that you will receive the best possible care.

Cosmetic Gum Surgery in Hyderabad

Personalized Treatment Plans

We are aware that every patient has different dental problems. With Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio, you may anticipate a specialized treatment program created for your particular needs. Our dentists will perform an in-depth examination while taking everything into consideration your oral health and preferences to create a strategy.

Sinus Lift Implant In Hyderabad

Natural-Looking Results

We are aware of how crucial aesthetics are to the restoration of your smile. To ensure that your new fixed permanent teeth merge smoothly with your natural teeth, our expert team pays great attention to detail. The end result is a smile that looks entirely natural and performs flawlessly.

BOI Dental Implants In Hyderabad

Affordable Price

We believe that affordable, high-quality dental treatment should be available to everyone, which is why we provide affordable costs and flexible payment plans. In order to make your dream smile a reality without financial strain, we work with you to develop a payment plan that suits your budget.

Gum Recontouring in Hyderabad

Modern Technology Equipment

We invest in cutting-edge dental technology and equipment as part of our dedication to excellence. We think that modern technology improves the accuracy and comfort of your process. You can rely on us to provide you with the highest-quality permanent fixed teeth because we have the latest equipment at our hospital.

Gum Recontouring in Hyderabad

Commitment to Patient Comfort

Dental visits can be daunting for some individuals. At our practice, your comfort is of utmost importance. We have created a welcoming and relaxing environment designed to ease any anxieties you may have. Our compassionate and understanding staff is dedicated to making your experience as comfortable as possible.


Patient Feedback


Frequently Ask Questions

What are permanent fixed teeth?

A long-lasting and natural-looking replacement for lost or damaged teeth is possible with permanent fixed teeth, a type of dental repair. You might require them to boost your general quality of life, restore the attractiveness of your smile, and improve your dental health.

What are the benefits of having permanent dentures?

Permanent dentures do not slip against delicate gums, enable food particles to sneak under them, or are ill-fitting. Wearers can avoid issues like mouth sores or gum pain brought on by friction by doing this.

Do permanent teeth fixes get painful?

While having dental implant surgery, you won’t feel any discomfort because you’ll be receiving local anesthesia. Pain that lasts for a few days after recovery is possible, but it can be treated with medicine. Medical attention could be needed if your pain persists for more than a few days or grows worse.

Are permanent teeth worth the effort?

Permanent dentures cost more than detachable dentures. However, because they are so resilient, the long-term expense will be worthwhile! Removable dentures are the most cost-effective choice if you’re looking for a solution.

What is the procedure at your facility for receiving permanent fixed teeth?

Usually, the process involves consultation, treatment planning, dental procedures, and follow-up care. In order to develop a customized treatment plan, we examine your oral health during the consultation and talk about your objectives.

Are permanent fixed teeth durable, and how long can I expect them to last?

Yes, with the right care and maintenance, permanent fixed teeth can last extremely durable, often for a lifetime. They can last a long time with regular checkups and good oral hygiene.

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