Splinting Treatment in Hyderabad

Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio is a leading name in advanced dental care, offering everything from implants to cosmetic dentistry treatments in Hyderabad.

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What is Splinting/Mobile Tooth?

Splinting is a dental procedure that involves uniting a cluster of teeth and distributing the forces generated during activities like biting and chewing. This support helps the affected teeth strengthen at their base and regain stability independently.

In essence, splinting is a treatment aimed at providing relief from pain and discomfort by stabilizing teeth with reduced mobility. However, it does not address the root cause of gum disease, which is often the initial reason for tooth looseness. To maintain good oral health, it is crucial to adhere to a high standard of oral hygiene.

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What Are The Types Of Dental Splints?

Splints can be categorized as either temporary or permanent, depending on the desired treatment outcome.

Temporary splints, designed for shorter durations of wear (typically less than 6 months), are commonly crafted using thin stainless steel wires and tooth-colored composite resin restorative materials. These splints can be further reinforced with materials like ligature wire, glass fiber, or polyethylene fiber-reinforced polymer (such as Ribbond Fiber) when dealing with anterior teeth. In cases involving anterior teeth, tooth-colored restorative resin strengthened with polyethylene fiber is the preferred material choice.

On the other hand, permanent splints are employed to ensure the long-term stability of the dentition. These are utilized after achieving initial stability to enhance functional stability and long-term aesthetics. Permanent splints may include conventional fixed prostheses like dental bridges, which offer enduring rigidity and are effective in managing and guiding occlusal forces.

When is splinting recommended?

When tooth mobility, ranging from moderate to advanced, persists despite other interventions and hampers normal function and patient comfort.
Splinting is employed to restrict movement in the healing region following periodontal surgery, as even slight motion of the surgical site can impede the healing process.
In situations where nonsurgical and surgical periodontal procedures are challenging due to the lack of tooth stability.
To safeguard against tooth shifting following orthodontic treatment, maintaining stable tooth positioning.
To prevent tooth mobility after acute trauma, such as subluxation and avulsion.
Splints, such as occlusal splints or night guards, are often used in the management of TMJ disorders to help alleviate symptoms like jaw pain, headaches, and teeth grinding or clenching.

What leads to Dental Splints?

A mobile tooth typically results from a loss of gum anchorage and an increased strain on the teeth. Various factors contributing to this condition include:

Receding Dental Alveolar Bone (periodontal disease)

Gum disease that can lead to reduced tooth support and subsequent mobility.

Inflammation of Tissues Around a Tooth

Severe tooth decay or gum disease can lead to the formation of an abscess, destabilizing the affected teeth.

Bruxism or Abnormal Teeth Clenching

This condition can exacerbate stress on the tooth’s supporting structure.

Traumatic Injury to Teeth

Injuries can harm the supporting tissues and result in tooth displacement.


A medical condition that can weaken bone density and potentially affect tooth stability.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

Splints, like occlusal splints or night guards, may be recommended to manage TMJ disorders by providing support, relieving jaw pain, and preventing teeth grinding or clenching.

Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Mobility

Redness of tissues around the tooth

Pain or discomfort

Difficulty chewing food

Sore or sensitive gums

What are the contraindications for splinting?

When the primary goal of splinting is to decrease tooth mobility with a known cause

In situations where prior occlusal adjustments to mitigate trauma have not been carried out

In cases where periodontal disease remains untreated

Advanced gum disease with extensive bone loss may make splinting ineffective. Alternative treatments may be needed in such cases.

Procedure for Dental Splint treatment at Dr Shashi’s Dental Studio

A fiber splint comprises a bundle of pre-impregnated unidirectional glass fibers, offering a durable, minimally invasive, and comfortable solution for patients with periodontal concerns.

The aesthetic glass fiber remains discreetly concealed behind the teeth and is securely bonded to them using matching aesthetic resin. This fiber splint remains inconspicuous, providing excellent aesthetics.

This procedure requires precision and expertise, enabling the careful realignment of mobile teeth and the closure of any recent gaps, all while creating a cohesive unit by splinting the teeth.

This not only minimizes or eliminates mobility but also offers the advantage of preserving the natural crown in the splint in the event that future tooth extraction is required, resulting in the most natural-looking bridge.

What is the post-procedure care?

After the completion of the splinting procedure, it will necessitate some preventive maintenance, and our periodontist will provide you with comprehensive guidance.

One crucial aspect of this maintenance is the special care required during your brushing routine. Our dentists recommend using a proxy brush, similar to dental floss, for cleaning between the teeth without affecting or dislodging the splint.

Additionally, regular follow-up dental appointments, typically scheduled every three to six months, will be necessary until your mobile tooth is entirely stable once more.

Gum Depigmentation in Hyderabad

What is the reasoning behind splinting?

The reasons for dental splinting, primarily focused on safeguarding tissues, restoring proper occlusion, even force distribution, and ensuring comfort during chewing, are outlined as follows:

Enhancing Chewing Comfort

Dental splints aim to improve your bite and enhance comfort during mastication.

Prolonging Tooth Longevity

Dental splints contribute to a longer and healthier life for your teeth.

Control of Forces and Stress

They aid in controlling forces and reducing stress on the teeth.

Stabilization Post-Trauma

Dental splints enhance stability following traumatic events.

Preventing Drifting in Normal Dentition

They help prevent tooth drifting in normal dentition during occlusal therapy.

Promoting Functional Comfort

Dental splints ensure functional comfort by preventing mobility in the diseased dentition.

It’s important to note that even if your teeth appear clean and well-maintained, underlying issues may exist. Loose or unstable teeth can lead to difficulties in chewing and are often the result of loose or inflamed ligaments. This condition, known as “mobile tooth,” can cause tooth shifting and should be addressed promptly by a dental professional.

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We at Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio believe that people who are informed make the greatest choices for their oral health. To provide you with the information and direction you need to take the next steps toward a brighter, healthier smile, we offer a free online consultation with Dr. Shashi Splinting Treatment, who is the founder of Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio.

Contact us right away to book an appointment for your Free Online Consultation with Dr. Shashi. We look forward to helping you on your path to improved dental health and restored self-confidence.

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Details of Splinting Treatment in Hyderabad

Available Workplaces

Dr. Shashi Dental Studio


Adarsh Nagar, Kukatpally, Kokapet.

Phone Number

+91 9381239001


Why Choose Us for Dental Splints treatment in Hyderabad

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Expertise and Experience

Our periodontists boast a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of dental splint treatments. They have successfully treated numerous patients with various dental conditions, ensuring their oral health and well-being.

Splinting Treatment in Hyderabad

Personalized Care

We understand that every patient is unique, and their dental needs vary. We take a personalized approach to treatment, tailoring our solutions to meet your specific requirements, ensuring the best possible outcomes.

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Cutting-Edge Technology

Our dental practice is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern facilities. Our dentists at Dr, Shashi's Dental Studio utilize the latest advancements in dental care to deliver efficient, safe, and effective dental splint treatments.

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Comprehensive Assessments

Before recommending dental splint treatment, we conduct thorough assessments to determine the root cause of your dental issues. This diagnostic precision ensures that your treatment plan is well-informed and effective.

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Patient-Centered Approach

Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. Our dentists at Dr, Shashi's Dental Studio strive to create a welcoming and patient-centered environment where you feel at ease throughout your dental splint treatment journey.

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Transparent Communication

We maintain open and transparent communication with our patients. You will be well-informed about your treatment options, the procedure, and expected outcomes, allowing you to make educated decisions about your dental health.

Dr Shahsi
Years of Experience

Who is Dr. Shashi?

“Dr. Shashi: Creating Kid-Friendly Smiles with Invisalign Magic!”

Dr. Shashi, a distinguished pediatric dental surgeon based in Hyderabad, is celebrated for his expertise in addressing dental concerns specific to children. With a profound dedication to pediatric dentistry, he has cultivated a reputation for providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care tailored to the unique needs of young patients. Dr. Shashi goes the extra mile to ensure his young patients feel at ease during treatment, employing advanced techniques such as nitrous oxide sedation, commonly known as SLEEP DENTISTRY. This specialized approach sets him apart, as very few dentists in Hyderabad possess the equipment and expertise for this painless and comfortable treatment method.

Known for his gentle and empathetic approach, Dr. Shashi has garnered extensive experience and a deep understanding of child psychology. This enables him to create a comforting and reassuring environment, ensuring that children undergoing dental treatments have a positive and enjoyable experience. His focus on preventive measures and education empowers both children and parents to prioritize oral health, fostering a foundation for a beautiful smile and optimal dental well-being in the future. Parents trust Dr. Shashi, knowing their children are under the care of a pediatric dental surgeon who prioritizes safety, effectiveness, and a compassionate approach, making him a beloved figure in the realm of pediatric dentistry in Hyderabad.

What are the advantages of Dental Splints?

Stabilization of Loose Teeth

Dental splints are particularly effective in stabilizing loose teeth, whether the cause is trauma, periodontal disease, or other factors. They prevent further movement of these teeth and improve their overall stability.

Prevent Tooth Loss

By stabilizing loose teeth, dental splints can help prevent the loss of these teeth. This is especially valuable in cases where a tooth might otherwise need to be extracted.

Improved Chewing and Speech

Dental splints can enhance a patient’s ability to chew and speak, as they provide a more stable and functional dental structure.

Cosmetic Benefits

Dental splints can have cosmetic benefits by improving the alignment and appearance of the teeth. This can enhance a patient’s smile and self-confidence.

Non-Invasive Treatment

Dental splints are a non-invasive treatment option compared to more complex dental procedures. They are often recommended before considering more invasive interventions.

Preservation of Natural Teeth

Dental splints can help preserve a patient’s natural teeth, which is often preferable to replacing them with dental prosthetics or implants.

Comfort and Pain Relief

Patients with loose teeth may experience discomfort and pain. Dental splints can alleviate these symptoms by providing stability and reducing mobility.

Shorter Treatment Time

Dental splints are relatively quick to install, and they typically require less time for recovery and follow-up compared to other dental procedures.


Dental splints are customized to each patient’s specific needs, ensuring an optimal fit and effectiveness.


In cases where the dental issue is temporary or can be addressed with non-surgical means, dental splints can be removed, making them a reversible treatment option.

What are the disadvantages of Dental Splints?

Dental splinting can impede effective plaque control, making it essential to implement enhanced oral hygiene measures to ensure extended longevity. Our periodontist at Dr Shashi’s Dental Studio in Hyderabad will provide guidance on effective methods for maintaining optimal oral hygiene.


Patient Feedback


Frequently Ask Questions

How long should a dental splint be worn?

In cases where no bone or tooth fracture is detected, it is recommended to wear the splint for 2 to 3 weeks. Conversely, if a fracture is present, the splint should be worn for 6 to 8 weeks.

How should I store my dental splint?

Avoid storing your splint in the bathroom, as exposure to steam and humidity over time can cause deformations. Instead, keep it in a clean, dry place or within its designated case. Regularly clean and thoroughly dry the case as well before placing your splint inside.

Can I brush my teeth while wearing a splint?

It is essential to keep the splint on at all times and only remove it for the purpose of brushing your teeth, unless instructed otherwise.

How can I maintain a clean splint?

Always ensure the splint remains clean and free from dirt. Wash the Velcro straps and the inner cloth sleeve (stockinet) with soapy water and allow them to air dry. Avoid exposing the splint to open flames, heat sources, or prolonged sunlight.

What are three activities to avoid while wearing a splint?

If your splint is not to be removed, consider using a hair dryer or fan to blow cool air into the splint to alleviate itching. Never insert objects under the splint to scratch your skin, and refrain from applying oils or lotions near the splint.

Is a splint a permanent solution?

Dental splints are typically considered permanent, although in situations such as minor trauma or the early stages of periodontal disease, or when the condition can be remedied with appropriate care, dental splints may be removed after a certain duration.

Is it possible to eat while wearing a dental splint?

While your splint remains in place in your mouth, it is not susceptible to damage from hot foods or drinks. You should keep the splint on at all times and only remove it for the purpose of brushing your teeth, unless otherwise instructed.

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