Best Oral Maxillofacial Surgery In Hyderabad

Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of oral maxillofacial surgery in Hyderabad. Our commitment to providing the highest standards of care is at the core of our practice. Led by our esteemed founder, Dr. Shashi, our team of experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons brings a wealth of knowledge and precision to every procedure. We take pride in being recognized as the go-to destination for those seeking top-tier oral surgery services in Hyderabad.

Dental Veneers Laminates in Hyderabad
Years of Experience

What Is Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery represents a specialized medical discipline centered on the diagnosis and surgical management of a broad spectrum of conditions impacting the mouth, jaw, face, and neck. This surgical field seamlessly integrates aspects of both dentistry and medicine to address intricate challenges in the oral and maxillofacial regions.

A primary emphasis within the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery involves the extraction of impacted or problematic teeth, including wisdom teeth. These skilled professionals are also proficient in performing dental implant procedures aimed at replacing missing teeth with artificial counterparts. Furthermore, they play a pivotal role in the treatment of jaw disorders, which may necessitate corrective surgical interventions for conditions such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

Through surgical intervention and cutting-edge treatment options, oral and maxillofacial surgery improves the quality of life for patients by addressing a wide range of oral and face problems.

What Is The Procedure Of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?

Initial Consultation

An initial consultation marks the start of your journey. You will meet with one of our accomplished surgeons at this session, who will assess your condition, go over your medical background, and take the time to comprehend your unique worries and objectives. We encourage your inquiries and want you to express any worries or apprehensions you may have.

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Our staff will provide an accurate diagnosis following a comprehensive examination, which may involve imaging and diagnostic tests, and will then suggest the best course of therapy. We adopt a personalized strategy, customizing the therapy to meet your specific requirements and making sure you are completely aware of the process, the anticipated results, and any potential risks.

Pre-operative Preparation

We will provide you with thorough pre-operative advice to assist you in getting ready before your surgery. It might also include advice on how to break a fast, when to stop taking particular drugs, and what to expect on the day of the procedure.

This comprehensive guidance ensures a smooth and stress-free experience during your dental surgery.

Surgery Day

You will arrive at our state-of-the-art facilities on the day of your procedure. Depending on your diagnosis and treatment strategy, the specific procedure will change. For accuracy and to reduce pain, our doctors employ the most recent surgical methods and equipment. Depending on the intricacy of the surgery, the proper anesthesia will be given to you, which may include local anesthesia, conscious sedation, or general anesthesia.

Post-operative Care

You will be closely watched in our recovery center following the surgery until you are ready to go home. We will provide you with thorough instructions on how to care for yourself following surgery, including advice on how to manage your pain, what to eat, and how to prevent any complications.

Follow-up Consultations

After the procedure, we continue our relationship with you. In order to track your development and make sure your rehabilitation is on track, we will set up follow-up appointments. Our team is available to offer help and direction if you need it during the rehabilitation process because we value open communication.

Oral Maxillofacial Surgery In Hyderabad

Exceptional Team
State-of-the-art technology and modern surgical suites
Comprehensive Services
Satisfied Patients
Follow-up Appointments
Convenient Location
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Get Free Online Consultation

At Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio, we are committed to providing you with convenient and accessible dental care. That’s why we’re pleased to offer a unique opportunity for a free online consultation with our founder, Dr. Shashi. 

You can discuss your dental requirements, ask any questions you may have, and get advice from Dr. Shashi in person during the consultation. This service is especially helpful if you’re considering your treatment options, looking for a second opinion, or can’t physically visit our office. Dr. Shashi is committed to attending to your dental issues and offering tailored advice in the convenience of your home.

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Phone : +91 9381239001

Office Hours

Everyday : 10AM - 2PM

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Cost Details Of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery In Hyderabad

Available Workplaces

Dr. Shashi Dental Studio


Adarsh Nagar, Kukatpally, Kokapet.

Phone Number

+91 9381239001
Dr Shahsi
Years of Experience

Who is Dr. Shashi?

“Dr. Shashi: Creating Kid-Friendly Smiles with Invisalign Magic!”

Dr. Shashi, a distinguished pediatric dental surgeon based in Hyderabad, is celebrated for his expertise in addressing dental concerns specific to children. With a profound dedication to pediatric dentistry, he has cultivated a reputation for providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care tailored to the unique needs of young patients. Dr. Shashi goes the extra mile to ensure his young patients feel at ease during treatment, employing advanced techniques such as nitrous oxide sedation, commonly known as SLEEP DENTISTRY. This specialized approach sets him apart, as very few dentists in Hyderabad possess the equipment and expertise for this painless and comfortable treatment method.

Known for his gentle and empathetic approach, Dr. Shashi has garnered extensive experience and a deep understanding of child psychology. This enables him to create a comforting and reassuring environment, ensuring that children undergoing dental treatments have a positive and enjoyable experience. His focus on preventive measures and education empowers both children and parents to prioritize oral health, fostering a foundation for a beautiful smile and optimal dental well-being in the future. Parents trust Dr. Shashi, knowing their children are under the care of a pediatric dental surgeon who prioritizes safety, effectiveness, and a compassionate approach, making him a beloved figure in the realm of pediatric dentistry in Hyderabad.

Oral Maxillofacial Surgery In Hyderabad

About Oral Maxillofacial Surgery In Hyderabad

Dr Shashi’s Dental Studio provides a wide spectrum of oral and maxillofacial surgical services including dental implants, corrective jaw surgery, and the management of facial injuries. You are given the tools to make wise choices regarding your dental health because of our in-depth knowledge and dedication to patient education. We think it’s important to make sure that patients are properly informed about their diseases and their available treatment options.

Our patient testimonies speak to the fulfilment and success that our patients experience. Along with the outstanding results we provide, we take pride in how reasonably priced our services are. Our pricing at Dr Shashi’s Dental Studio reflects our commitment to the idea that everyone should have access to high-quality medical care.

To achieve outcomes that improve your dental health and general well-being, we combine knowledge, compassion, and cutting-edge technology. Our team is here to provide you with the highest level of care and professionalism as we lead you through the procedure, whether you require wisdom teeth extraction, corrective jaw surgery, or the insertion of dental implants.

Advantages Of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Comprehensive Dental Care

A wide range of dental problems, including tooth extractions, dental implant surgery, and complicated oral operations, are treated by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. All of a patient's dental needs can be met in one location, streamlining treatment and removing the need for referrals to various specialists. This all-encompassing approach guarantees that patients receive thorough and effective dental care.

Facial trauma treatment

Experts in treating face trauma problems brought on by accidents or injuries are oral and maxillofacial surgeons. They are able to carry out complex treatments to fix soft tissue damage and broken face bones, restoring both function and attractiveness. For those who have suffered face injuries, this knowledge is priceless because it can greatly enhance their overall well-being and quality of life.

Repairing Jaw Disorders

These professionals are skilled at identifying and treating jaw conditions, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues that hurt and limit jaw movement. To relieve discomfort and enhance jaw function, oral and maxillofacial surgeons offer a variety of treatments, including surgical interventions. Through skilled care, patients with jaw conditions can find relief and improve their quality of life.

Treatment for facial tumors

The management of benign and malignant tumors in the oral and facial regions is crucially dependent on oral and maxillofacial surgeons. They often work with oncologists to do biopsies to identify these tumors and then precisely remove them. Following tumor excision, patients undergo reconstructive operations to help them regain their health and looks.

Dental Implant Expertise

Dental implant placement is a skill that oral and maxillofacial surgeons are exceptionally skilled at. Dental implants are a long-term replacement for missing teeth, and successful implantation is essential to their long-term performance. Patients can receive long-lasting, realistic-looking teeth replacements from these doctors.

Improved Aesthetic Results

In addition to restoring function, oral and maxillofacial surgeons place a high priority on enhancing the patient's look. Aesthetic considerations are a key component of their approach, whether it is for dental implant placement or a procedure to correct facial injuries. The self-esteem and general well-being of a patient can increase with improved looks.

Why Choose Us

Experienced Doctors

Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts in their area. They have years of experience doing intricate surgical procedures involving the face, mouth, and jaws and have undergone extensive training. This experience guarantees that you receive the best care possible and that your surgery is performed precisely and expertly, lowering the risk of problems and promoting the best possible results.

Gum Recontouring in Hyderabad

Modern infrastructure

Modern surgery suites and cutting-edge technologies are available in our dental studio. This implies that you will gain from the most recent developments in oral and maxillofacial surgery, improving the security and efficacy of your care. Our facilities have been created to offer a relaxing and secure setting for your surgery, ensuring your comfort and well-being throughout the entire process.

Splinting Treatment in Hyderabad

Individualized Care

We take a personalized approach to your care because we recognize that each patient is unique. Our team of specialists will evaluate your unique needs and develop a treatment plan that is personalized for you. This guarantees that you receive care that is unique to your situation and encourages the greatest result. Your oral health is our priority, and we are dedicated to providing tailored solutions that best suit your needs.

Sinus Lift Implant In Hyderabad

Comprehensive Services

Oral and maxillofacial surgery services are provided by Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio in one convenient location. Whether you require treatment for facial damage, corrective jaw surgery, wisdom tooth extraction, dental implant operations, or other needs, we have the knowledge and tools to meet your requirements. You won't need to seek care for various elements of your care elsewhere thanks to this all-encompassing strategy.

BOI Dental Implants In Hyderabad

Reasonable Cost

We are dedicated to offering economical, top-notch oral and maxillofacial surgical services. We are aware that many patients worry about the cost of their medical care. Our prices are competitive, and we explore financial options with you. Our goal is to make high-quality care accessible without compromising your financial well-being.

Guided Tissue Regeneration in Hyderabad​

Satisfied Patients

Dr. Shashi's Dental Studio has a lengthy history of producing positive results and guaranteeing patient happiness. We are really proud of our performance history and the confidence our patients have in us. Knowing that you are choosing a doctor with a proven track record of patient satisfaction might give you peace of mind.


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Frequently Ask Questions

What is Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a specialized branch of dentistry that focuses on surgical procedures related to the mouth, face, and jaw. It includes procedures such as wisdom teeth extraction, dental implant placement, corrective jaw surgery, and treatment for facial trauma.

How do I know if I need Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?

Your dentist or our oral and maxillofacial surgeons will assess your condition during an initial consultation. Common reasons for these surgeries include impacted wisdom teeth, facial pain, jaw misalignment, facial injuries, and dental implant placement. We will recommend surgery if it is the most appropriate and effective solution for your condition.

Is oral surgery painful?

While you may experience some discomfort, our team takes every measure to ensure your surgery is as comfortable and pain-free as possible. We use local anesthesia, and sedation, and provide pain management instructions for post-operative care to minimize any pain or discomfort.

How long is the recovery period for oral surgery?

Recovery times can vary depending on the type of surgery you undergo. Generally, you can expect to recover within a few days to a few weeks. Our team will provide specific post-operative instructions to help you manage your recovery effectively.

Can I eat after oral surgery?

After most oral surgeries, it’s recommended to stick to soft and liquid foods for the first few days to avoid damaging the surgical site. Our team will provide specific dietary guidelines to follow post-surgery.

How can I schedule a consultation for oral surgery?

Scheduling a consultation is easy. Simply contact us through a call or website, and our friendly staff will assist you in setting up an appointment with one of our experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

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