Best Prosthodontics Clinic in Hyderabad

Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio is a leading name in advanced dental care, offering everything from implants to cosmetic dentistry treatments in Hyderabad.

Are your discolored gums holding back a wide smile? Your smile can look even more brilliant by removing the stains on your gums. Take advantage of advanced gum depigmentation treatment with Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio. We are the leading & most affordable dental clinic in Hyderabad.

What is Prosthodontics?

Prosthodontics is a specialized field within dentistry that focuses on the restoration and replacement of natural teeth as well as other oral structures. It encompasses the design, fabrication, and installation of artificial teeth. A professional specializing in prosthodontics is known as a Prosthodontist. A prominent dental clinic in Hyderabad, Dr, Shashi’s Dental Studio, staffed with highly skilled Prosthodontists, offers cost-effective prosthodontic treatments and is recognized as one of the top clinics in the field.

Prosthodontics Clinic in Hyderabad

Who is a Prosthodontist?

A prosthodontist is a specialized dentist who has undergone advanced training and education in the field of prosthodontics. Their primary focus is on the restoration and replacement of missing or damaged teeth and other oral structures. Prosthodontists are experts in the design, fabrication, and fitting of dental prostheses, such as dentures, bridges, dental implants, and other artificial teeth. They are skilled in addressing complex dental and oral health issues related to tooth loss, jaw alignment, and the aesthetics of a patient’s smile. Prosthodontists play a crucial role in helping patients achieve improved oral function, comfort, and appearance through the use of various dental prosthetic solutions.

When should you seek Prosthodontic treatment?

The need for prosthodontic treatment typically arises due to a variety of factors and conditions, including:

Tooth Loss

The most common reason for prosthodontic treatment is tooth loss, which can be caused by factors such as dental decay, gum disease (periodontal disease), injury, or congenital issues.

Tooth Decay

Untreated dental caries (tooth decay) can lead to extensive damage and the need for dental crowns or other restorative measures.

Injury or Trauma

Accidents or injuries that result in broken or dislodged teeth may require prosthodontic intervention.

Congenital Anomalies

Some individuals may be born with dental anomalies or missing teeth, which can be addressed with prosthodontic solutions.

Wear and Tear

The natural wear and tear of teeth over time can necessitate the use of dental prostheses to restore function and aesthetics.

Malocclusion (Misalignment)

Malocclusion refers to misaligned teeth or an improper bite, which can be addressed with orthodontic treatment, often in conjunction with prosthodontics.

Prosthodontics Treatment we offer at Dr Shashi’s Dental Studio

Complete Dentures

Complete denture treatment, often referred to as “full denture treatment,” is a dental procedure aimed at replacing an entire arch of missing teeth, either the upper (maxillary) or lower (mandibular) arch, or both. It is commonly used for patients who have lost all or most of their natural teeth due to decay, gum disease, injury, or other dental issues.

Complete dentures are removable and rest on the gums. They serve to restore oral function, including chewing and speech, and improve the appearance of the patient’s smile.

It’s essential to follow proper denture care, maintain good oral hygiene, and visit the dentist regularly to ensure the longevity and comfort of complete dentures.

BPS Denture

BPS Denture treatment refers to a specific approach to creating dentures that are designed to provide optimal fit, function, and aesthetics. “BPS” stands for Biofunctional Prosthetic System. BPS Dentures are known for their precision and high-quality construction, aiming to provide patients with a superior denture experience.

It’s important to note that BPS Denture treatment is provided by our dentists and prosthodontists who have received training in this specific approach. Patients seeking high-quality dentures may opt for BPS Dentures to benefit from the precision and craftsmanship associated with this brand. These dentures are considered an advanced and patient-centric solution for those in need of complete or partial dentures.

Flexi Denture

Flexi Dentures, also known as flexible dentures or flexible partial dentures, are a type of removable dental prosthesis used to replace missing teeth. These dentures are made from a flexible, thermoplastic material instead of the more rigid acrylic or metal used in traditional partial dentures.

Flexi Dentures are commonly used for patients who have only a few missing teeth and require a partial denture. They are considered an alternative to traditional acrylic or metal partial dentures, offering advantages in terms of comfort and aesthetics.

The choice between Flexi Dentures and other types of partial dentures will depend on the individual’s specific needs, budget, and preferences, and should be discussed with our prosthodontists.

Over Denture

An overdenture, also known as an overlay denture, is a type of removable dental prosthesis that is designed to fit over and be supported by retained natural teeth, dental implants, or tooth roots. This type of denture is used when some natural teeth remain in the mouth and can provide stability and support for the denture, improving its retention and function.

The choice between using natural teeth, dental implants, or roots to support an overdenture depends on the patient’s specific needs, oral health, and available options. At Dr, Shashi’s Dental Studio the treatment plan and design of an overdenture are personalized to each individual’s circumstances. Our dentists and prosthodontists work with patients to determine the most suitable type of overdenture and supporting structure to achieve optimal oral health and function.

Fixed Partial Denture

A Fixed Partial Denture (FPD), also known as a dental bridge, is a type of dental prosthesis used to replace one or more missing teeth by “bridging” the gap between existing natural teeth or dental implants. Unlike removable dentures, FPDs are cemented or bonded in place and cannot be removed by the patient. They are an excellent option for individuals who have one or more adjacent missing teeth but still have healthy natural teeth or dental implant abutments on either side of the gap.

Fixed Partial Dentures are an effective solution for replacing missing teeth in a way that feels and functions like natural teeth. It is essential for individuals considering FPDs to have healthy abutment teeth or dental implants, as these support structures are crucial for the success of the bridge. Your dentist at Shashi’s Dental Studio will assess your specific needs and discuss the best treatment options, which may include FPDs, based on your oral health and circumstances.

Metal Free Crown

A Metal-Free Crown, also known as an all-ceramic or all-porcelain crown, is a type of dental crown used to restore a damaged or weakened tooth. Unlike traditional crowns, which may have a metal substructure covered with porcelain, metal-free crowns are made entirely from ceramic or porcelain materials. This design offers several advantages, including improved aesthetics and biocompatibility.

Metal-free crowns are a popular choice for individuals seeking a dental restoration that combines both strength and aesthetics. They are versatile and can be used in various situations, depending on the patient’s needs and the location of the tooth being restored.

Our dentists at Shashi’s Dental Studio will recommend the most suitable crown type based on your specific dental condition and aesthetic preferences.

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We at Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio believe that people who are informed make the greatest choices for their oral health. To provide you with the information and direction you need to take the next steps toward a brighter, healthier smile, we offer a free online consultation with Dr. Shashi Prosthodontics Treatment, who is the founder of Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio.

Contact us right away to book an appointment for your Free Online Consultation with Dr. Shashi. We look forward to helping you on your path to improved dental health and restored self-confidence.

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Details of Prosthodontics Clinic in Hyderabad

Available Workplaces

Dr. Shashi Dental Studio


Adarsh Nagar, Kukatpally, Kokapet.

Phone Number

+91 9381239001

Why Choose Us for Prosthodontics Treatment in Hyderabad

At Dr. Shashi’s Dental Studio, we are firmly committed to prioritizing health and wellness for all. Our unwavering dedication to excellence reflects this core belief. We place your needs at the forefront of our patient-centered approach, crafting meticulously tailored treatment plans that cater specifically to your unique smile.

Distinguished Prosthodontic Experts

Our clinic proudly boasts a team of highly skilled Prosthodontists. These professionals bring years of valuable experience and maintain an unwavering commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in periodontal care. Rest assured, you will receive treatment from leading experts in their field.

Splinting Treatment in Hyderabad

Holistic Care Philosophy

We firmly endorse a holistic approach to periodontal treatment. Our focus extends beyond isolated concerns; we consider your overall oral health and well-being. This comprehensive approach ensures you not only receive immediate relief but also a well-devised strategy for long-term oral health.

Pediatric Dental Emergencies

Aesthetic Mastery

In addition to addressing medical issues, we understand the significance of a beautiful smile. Our Prosthodontists possess expertise in enhancing the aesthetics of your gums. Whether it's the correction of gum color, position, or thickness, our goal is to achieve a harmonious and visually appealing appearance.

Oral Maxillofacial Surgery In Hyderabad

Diverse Array of Procedures

Our repertoire encompasses a wide range of periodontal procedures designed to meet diverse needs. These include, but are not limited to, gum depigmentation, closure of black triangles, root coverage, and correction of enlarged gums. This diversity ensures that your treatment plan is custom-tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Gum Recontouring in Hyderabad

Cutting-Edge Technology

We at Dr, Shashi's Dental Studio are committed to staying at the forefront of dental care through investments in cutting-edge (modern) technology and state-of-the-art equipment. This not only ensures precise diagnoses but also empowers us to deliver highly effective treatment. Our team's dedication to employing the latest tools and techniques underscores our commitment to providing top-tier care and treatment to our clients.

cosmetic dentistry in hyderabad

Patient-Centric Approach

Your comfort and satisfaction lie at the heart of our practice. We recognize that dental procedures can be intimidating, and we strive to create a welcoming, stress-free environment. You can trust that we will go the extra mile to ensure that your experience is as pleasant as possible. Our compassionate team is here to address your concerns and make your journey toward better dental health as smooth and enjoyable as can be.

Dr Shahsi
Years of Experience

Who is Dr. Shashi?

“Dr. Shashi: Creating Kid-Friendly Smiles with Invisalign Magic!”

Dr. Shashi, a distinguished pediatric dental surgeon based in Hyderabad, is celebrated for his expertise in addressing dental concerns specific to children. With a profound dedication to pediatric dentistry, he has cultivated a reputation for providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care tailored to the unique needs of young patients. Dr. Shashi goes the extra mile to ensure his young patients feel at ease during treatment, employing advanced techniques such as nitrous oxide sedation, commonly known as SLEEP DENTISTRY. This specialized approach sets him apart, as very few dentists in Hyderabad possess the equipment and expertise for this painless and comfortable treatment method.

Known for his gentle and empathetic approach, Dr. Shashi has garnered extensive experience and a deep understanding of child psychology. This enables him to create a comforting and reassuring environment, ensuring that children undergoing dental treatments have a positive and enjoyable experience. His focus on preventive measures and education empowers both children and parents to prioritize oral health, fostering a foundation for a beautiful smile and optimal dental well-being in the future. Parents trust Dr. Shashi, knowing their children are under the care of a pediatric dental surgeon who prioritizes safety, effectiveness, and a compassionate approach, making him a beloved figure in the realm of pediatric dentistry in Hyderabad.


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Frequently Ask Questions

What distinguishes a prosthodontist from a general dentist?

A prosthodontist focuses on the comprehensive restoration of oral health and function across the entire mouth, particularly in the context of replacing missing teeth. In contrast, general dentists primarily concentrate on the repair and maintenance of individual teeth to ensure their ongoing health.

Several studies have indicated that the risk of fixed prostheses failure is notably higher in individuals between the ages of 30 and 52, compared to both younger and older age groups. In contrast, patients aged over 60 face a heightened risk of irreversible complications.

Can a prosthodontist perform fillings?

Prosthodontic dentistry typically addresses complex dental cases, such as jaw surgery, partial and full dentures, implants, and various other treatments. Prosthodontists also diagnose and treat patients requiring procedures like fillings, crowns, bridges, veneers, night guards, splints, cosmetic enhancements, and more.

Why should I consult a prosthodontist?

Prosthodontists are the foremost authorities when it comes to replacing any dental elements in your mouth. This could involve the replacement of a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even the entirety of your teeth and gums.

Do prosthodontists perform gum surgery?

Depending on the specific case, a prosthodontist is capable of addressing not only tooth-related issues but also restoring or replacing a single tooth, multiple teeth, damaged gum tissue, and jaw structures. Additionally, prosthodontists possess the expertise to treat conditions such as sleep apnea, snoring disorders, and cleft palates.

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